Circle App Crab Illustrations
Circle wanted to come up with a fun identifiable icon for their digital currency app. After some sketching we settled on the concept of a beach crab using sand dollars as currency to allude to sending and receiving money.
The crab was used as a hidden easter egg in the financial app that could be found by swiping left in the UI. I also developed an ongoing series of costumed crabs for interal & seasonal marketing use.

Gnarly Election Series

Brightcove Video Editing & App Icons

Brightcove App Cloud Launch Graphic

Wintersmith's Ice Baller - Product Instructions
One of my favorite commercial projects was to illustrate the instructions for a product that makes round ice balls for cocktails. The client sent me a production prototype with some copy, and I had to stage different refence photos of each step to illustrate.
I love the challenge of illustrating hands, and particularly enjoy projects where the main objective is clear visual communication.